One of the biggest issues of our time is the housing affordability crisis. How will today’s young people ever be able to afford to partake in the great Australian dream of owning their own home. If they can’t, what other avenues are or should be available to help them with stable, affordable, good accommodation?

A panel of Canberrans with years of experience in this area will facilitate the discussion including long time experienced Real Estate agents Greg Sadil and Frank Walmsley, a representative from the building industry, and Alan Anforth former ACTCOSS President and property law expert.

MC - Bill Stefaniak

(Former ACT Housing Minister and ACAT Appeal President)


No idea will be dismissed.


The Belco Party is hosting this seminar in the hope that some good ideas will emerge so whoever forms the next ACT Government can be guided and assisted in coming up with a few solutions to this huge ongoing problem.

Limited seating available for this event so please ensure to book via our facebook page or via email:

Written and Austhorised by Bill Stefaniak for the Belco Party (ACT)


Edition 4

Dear Belco Party members and supporters, 

A happy Easter to you all. 

Over the last few months your executive has been busy and our candidate for Yerrabi, former Detective Sergeant Jason Taylor has been hard at work.  

 Jason has announced some policy initiatives and position statements. 

The most successful policy announcement was the release of our policy to establish the Chick Henry Canberra International Motor Sport and Driver Training Centre (either at a site just near the airport or along Majura Parkway further north where survey work has already been done for a dragway 20 years ago) 

Usually, we have limited hits on our electronic media sites for announcements but this one has had over 34,000 hits and climbing. As well, the Canberra Motor Sport community are usually younger members (20s and 30 s) and are often tradies. Jason has told them that to ensure this policy gets actioned   we need to: 1- get him elected 2 - have a chance of dictating to the new government as we may hopefully hold the balance of power and 3 - to do this we need their active help. 

Jason has got commitments so far from a number of the motor sport fans to help him with his electioneering. 

 He is also working on a multicultural joint facility for Gungahlin and the local Chinese and Indian communities are very keen on this.  He is trying to get media support to make this a big story. The facility would be a community centre with a meeting room, conference area and rooms for businesses to operate out of. 

 As well as this  the party has committed to getting rid of the Green /Labor  governments crazier policies such as  raising the age of criminal responsibility to 14 (there are a lot of serious young criminals out there who are 13 and even 1)_Abolishing  the new drug laws decriminalising hard drug possession and use ( already we have seen a big  increase in hard drug use in Canberra as a result of these decadent laws). 

We were the first cab off the rank in committing to caning and abolishing the tram from Civic to Woden and using the money saved - (between $3 billion and $10 billion depending who you talk to) on hospitals and health and on hiring ($70 million pa) the 250 extra police we are short of (As Jason is an ex-policeman the AFPA are very supportive of him too).

We were also the first party/group to insist on an independent enquiry into the botched kangaroo cull and to work out the best way forward there. The Liberals followed suit as did (unsurprisingly) the local Animal liberation people.

Alan Tutt, who will be going around again in Ginninderra, is out at shopping centres fighting the good fight on every day local issues that concern people in the suburbs. He is getting an excellent response as are his petitions.

As well as this we are going to hold a seminar open to all on affordable housing. We have picked Thursday 18 April at 7 pm and are just settling on a venue (most likely in Gungahlin) the Southern Cross Club Jamison not being available on that day. 

We will promote this seminar as an ideas session whereby people can have their say and make suggestions as to how they think the problems can be addressed. We have no preconceived ideas and are merely facilitating discussion on a crucial issue, especially for our young people. We have several very experienced facilitators with vast experience in property matters lined up to assist.  We will tell you details of the venue when one is booked.  

We are also aiming to host another seminar in June/July on energy issues, especially nuclear energy. I aim to try to get the highly impressive young pro nuclear activist Will Shackell to be a panellist.  Again, this will be an information/ideas seminar but our party sees much merit in having a point of difference to the other parties and at least support the lifting of the ban on Nuclear so ALL forms of energy can be looked at. 

The party is also actively looking for candidates. We will run 3 in Belconnen (Ginninderra) and 2 or 3 In Yerrabi (and possibly 2 in Tuggeranong). If anyone is interested, please contact me and/or Angela. We have approached some big-name candidates but unfortunately none so far are interested in a career in the Assembly.

We are also getting a steady stream of volunteers. We need to coordinate this, and we really need as many of you as possible to help in some way. 

Please advise Angela if you can help and what you would like to do to help. We need people to deliver printouts to letterboxes, IT help, and assistance at shopping centres. We are getting a good response at shops so far - much better than last time. 

And we need money. Even small donations of $20, $30 $50 all add up. 

We will work with the independents although I'm not sure what the Canberra independents set up by my daughter in law amongst others are doing at present. However, we are happy to work with them.

We will preference the liberals as this government is so tired, stale, and incompetent that it really needs to be put out to pasture. We will also preference any good independents that may come along. 

Please feel free to respond to this newsletter with any suggestions as to policy or whatever else we should be doing and especially with any offers to help. 

Kindest regards 

Bill Stefaniak  

Belco Party  Convenor 


Edition 2

The Belco Party has probably only another 6 months   to lay the groundwork for the October 2024 election. 

 We already have a suite of policy positions to help Canberrans and especially our Belconnen and Gunghalin residents  as we will be running candidates in Ginninderra (Belconnen - candidates yet to be selected) and Yerrabi (Gungahlin, Hall , Kaleen and Giralang) - Former Detective Sergeant Jason Taylor has  already been announced as a  candidates  and is already  up and running. Jason has had a few wins already including helping Casey residents stopping a totally over the top development proposal near the Casey  shops for 3  big apartment blocks (one of 13 stories and the other 2 of 11 stories with only one car spot per 2 units. ) 

In Kippax  whilst not being able to stop the erection of new units over the northern  floodplain end of the playing fields at least the local Government adopted our fall back position of bringing back on stream the 3 playing fields at the southern  end ,thus making a net gain of playing fields for our youth( and a great place etc to  walk the dog etc for residents of all ages) of 1 extra  field (5 instead of the old 4) plus of course the government has also brought the old Higgins   playing field back on stream as well. All things being considered not a bad result . Our thanks to the local community activists especially for keeping up the good fight on this for  the last 7 or 8 years. Our very own Alan Tutt has also worked hard on this for the last 3 years as well as helping save the West Belconnen  tip/recycling centre which will now stay open until a new centre is opened down the road from it .  

The above 3 issues are only a small representation of just how many stupid, anti community decisions this government has made and whilst in these instances , the community was successful in opposing these stupid ideas, in many other instances the government has ridden roughshod over sensible community concerns  . When a government of any political persuasion is in  power for 22 years it is natural for it  to get complacent and arrogant . By October 2024 it will be 23 years since  the government in Canberra  was changed . For their own sake as much as anything the Greens /Labor government needs a time  in opposition to rejuvenate itself ,lose its arrogance and start listening to the community it supposedly represents and not just sections of the community like big developers etc.

A community oriented Party like the Belco Party needs 2 things to help get its voice across and give the community some clear alternatives to the current government. Money and Candidates . 

We cannot compete financially with the 3 big parties in the assembly. We don't have a Holmes A'court to fund us with millions of dollars like he did with the Teals and David Pocock  Federally. Over  the next 6 months we will be approaching individuals who we hope will help us  but we also need donations from you  , our members and readers . No matter how small it all helps . Any amount is welcomed  be it $10 or $1,000. 

Later this year and into next year we'll be running a few fundraisers as well  and as you have read earlier sadly, those fundraises will not include the dulcet tones of our dear friend and fellow Belco Party stalwart, Gordon Scott who as you are now no doubt aware sadly died on 5 May this  year . However stay tuned for more news on fundraisers in future editions . 

At this stage we just need some help. If you know of anyone who would like to assist financially, please get them to contact our party secretary Angela Lount (a local Blues singing legend and  identity in her own right ) Please contact her at:

The other thing we need are candidates . 

We already have Jason in Yerrabi ( Gungahlin, Hall, Kaleen and Giralang) . We would like to run probably 2 more in Yerrabi  and 3 in Belconnen. If you are interested in running please contact Angela at: and/or if you know someone we should approach , or someone who wants to run with us, please again contact Angela.

As the current government is on the nose  and as people in the ACT still seem undecided about the Opposition Liberal Party. There  is a really good chance this time that several actual independents might get in  and "Keep the Bastards honest  " The best governments the ACT has had in my view, (and I think even Jon Stanhope would agree ,  were when Labor or Liberal had to govern with the  support of 1 or more sensible independents . The current government of the Greens and Labor   have been in  a rock solid coalition  since 2012 which is even more rigid and  solid than the federal Liberal National party coalition. 

To paraphrase Gough Whitlam -  it's  time for a change .

 Having served for 5 and a bit terms in the Assembly , I can tell you that  having a few  good sensible independents of either centre right  or center left persuasion enhances good government  and gets things done . I can also tell budding candidates that it is an honour and privilege to represent your local community and you will be pleasantly surprised at what you as an individual can achieve for your community . 

Local Politics is not particularly ideological. It's really  about delivering services and taking up your constituents' concerns . I hope a few of you or your friends come forward and  have a go. Our committee will hold pre- selection meetings and will then arrange for some candidate training . 

Well ,  that's it for now , in a few weeks time I will write  another column and highlight some current local issues  but in this edition  I really wanted to concentrate on seeking some help with funds and encouraging keen individuals to consider standing . 

Should any of you wish to contact me directly  re standing for election or know someone I or Angela  should approach  but want to keep it confidential, please phone me ( or text me ) on 0420 300 807 or contact Angela.  . 

Until next time , keep well and best wishes  

Bill Stefaniak  

Belco Party  Convenor 


Vale Gordon Scott. 

 Canberra Rugby  and singing legend Gordon Scott  died on Friday 5 May after a long battle with cancer and other ailments . Gordon and his wife Magge and children were inaugural members of the Belco Party and Scotty hosted a  fundraiser for us during the 2020 election which made thousands of much needed dollars for our campaign  . He also sang his favorite song "the Banana Boat man song"  at the event 

Prior to his death, Scotty worked in both residential and commercial real estate  after leaving the public service over 40 years ago.   An original resident of Holt   he later moved to Deakin 

He was a man of impeccable honesty and a  true gentleman. He  touched  the hearts of many in our community . 

I now incorporate  2 tributes for our readers that elaborate on this fine man , the first from me in last week's City News;

and the second from my elder son John who posted it on facebook soon after Gordon's death.  

The Belco party expresses its sincere condolences to Maggie, her children and grandchildren  and advises readers that if they want to  personally pay a tribute to Gordon they can send condolences to Maggie Scott and Family, 2 Norman St Deakin 2602 and /or  come along to a tribute Game of Rugby  to be played between Gordon's  Old club Easts and RMC ( the only 2 original clubs still in existence in the ACT ) at 2 30 PM  Saturday  1 July,  at Portsea Oval RMC and from 6 pm afterwards at the Canberra GreyHound track Symonston   ( Old Cooma  Rd  behind the Geoscience building) The inaugural Gordon Scott memorial trophy  will be presented to the winning team and the match will become an annual fixture .We are hoping to get retired GG  General Sir Peter Cosgove to present the trophy.  

RIP dear  friend and thanks for all Bill Stefaniak

Convenor Belco Party

 Scooty was born inPooona India 


Edition 1


Dear Belco Party Members, supporters and readers of our website my best wishes to you all for 2023.

Our endorsed candidate for Yerrabi (Gungahlin, Hall, Kaleen and Giralang) Former Detective Sergeant Jason Taylor, (endorsed last October) has hit the ground running over the last 3 months and has got some good media coverage on 2CC and RiotACT plus a few spots on WIN and in the City News. Naturally the ABC has not covered him as they seem to be a mouthpiece for the current ACT government, so much for "your ABC "

Jason has run hard on Police numbers, weak court decisions in relation to sentencing and bail and has been calling for a proper independent Judicial enquiry into the ACT Criminal Justice system with an emphasis on sentencing, bail laws and COURT practice. He has a lot of support among Police and the AFPA. He is also busy meeting with various groups such as the nurses, educational institutions and constituents.

ACT politics is fairly basic when it all boils down to it. It's rates, roads and rubbish, the health system, law and order and schooling. It has become painfully obvious that the Tram must go. Over $3.5 billion for stage 2 to Woden for a service that takes twice as long as the current express bus service. That $3.500,000,000 could fix up our health system (bleeding about $100,000,000 pa to the tram) plus enable e us to employ the 350 extra police we need (about $70,000,000 pa) plus fix up our roads, green spaces and sporting fields not to mention build more public housing and further investments in our education system.

It is not rocket science.

The Belco party formally came out against stage 2 of the tram in October last year (we never really liked crossing the lake with it from day one) I am pleased to see the Liberals have finally come out against it as well and I would hope any new independents or small parties will also pledge to oppose stage 2 extensions as well during the 2024 election campaign. Lets “Can the Tram”

This current government believes (possibly rightly so as many people stupidly still vote for them) that they can do anything they want and get away with it. I hope that is changing. 23 years in power is far too long for any government, even a good one. Messrs Rattenbury and Barr's government is not good.

Not everyone wants to live in a high-rise apartment with not enough car parks, in a near tree-less suburb or in the city and town centres. Also, and sadly, many of our more vulnerable people live on the street which is a disgrace in a first world city like Canberra.

From Saturday 11 February the Belco party reps will be at various shopping centres, initially in Gungahlin with Jason, but after March in Belconnen as well.

We want to hear from the people- local Belconnen and Gungahlin citizens as to what their concerns are. Jason is chafing at the bit to take up people's concerns with the local government. So are our other members who will be manning the shopping centre booths. If you have a concern, talk to them or write into this email address and have your say.

The Belco Party is also calling for an inquiry into the 2022 kangaroo cull after some disturbing facts emerged last year in relation to the cull. We have had a success in ensuring the ACT Government builds a new waste recycling centre in West Belconnen and keeps the old one up and running until the new one is built. Many thanks to Alan Tutt for his continuous hounding of the ACT Government on that one.

I will write updates in our bi monthly newsletter (this is the first one) Next one is due early April, but look out for periodic updates and Jason's column and media releases.


If you want to join us all you need to do is email: and give us your name, email address, postal address and phone number. Membership of the Party is still free.

Get involved and do something positive for your community. The Belco party comprises people from all walks of life and people who have been former Liberals, labor, greens and other minor parties. We want to see a change of government and the only way to do that is for a majority of Canberrans to not vote for any Green or Labor candidates. There will be a lot of perfectly good Canberra citizens standing for the other parties and as independents. I will write a further article on this for our next newsletter.

One thing you can help us at the Belco Party is if the numbers are there after October 2024 to form a new non Green/Labor government, should the Belco party, if we get a seat or 2 take a ministry in the new government which would most likely be a liberal minority government) or should we remain on the cross bench ( and basically "keep the Bastards honest "? -We'd like your views on that. Please write in and tell us what you think

We need money to run a campaign. We don't have a Holmes A'Court, or Clive Palmer or the CFMEU to fund our campaigns so any donation would be greatly appreciated.

To make a donation go to our website: Belco Party (ACT) (

Thanks for reading this article and I look forward to hearing from some of you soon.

My best wishes to you all.

Bill Stefaniak

Convenor Belco party . (ACT)